Thursday, October 18, 2012

The purple's bike ever...

It took about 1 years for Haikal having his own bicycle. Mama and abah have been waited so long, sayang. As before this, haikal  kept saying that the main reason he do not ride a bike due to safety issue. Can u imagine my son who aged 3 years old talking about the safety issue. Oh...such a brilliant boy!

Finally last week on Sunday, 14.10.2012,,Haikal is brave enough to own and  ride his purple's bike. Why is purple colour? Purple is his favourite colour. He said pink for girls...on the other hand...purple is perfectly for boy....macho gitu!.. Yeah....Alhamdulillah, Im so relief cause my baby is such a normal kid. After practicing a lot, he manage to cycle by its own. Congratulation sayang. Abah, mama, atok, opah and others were so proud of u. Last but not least, a million thanks to opah ecah and atok acid for the fund. Mama and abah just top up the safety helmet,knee and elbow cover.

Nanti kita cycling kt luar yer.....cant wait for excitement!